Ciara's Guide to a Happy & Healthy Christmas

Some small and simple changes over the Christmas period to reduce the aftermath. 

Holiday season

Author: Ciara Nolan

Head of Nutrition

Christmas, known as “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” is a time filled with good food and joyful moments with friends and family. What’s not to like?
However, we all know that post Christmas feeling of tiredness and feeling sluggish is undeniable. 
Dare we say it – we secretly look forward to the return of routine and fruit and vegetables consumption again.
Thankfully, we can make some small and simple changes over the Christmas period to reduce the aftermath. 
Here are few tips to make yourself feel good during Christmas: 

1. More Water/Less Alcohol – Stay hydrated
The simple art of staying hydrated can significantly impact our well being and play a role in how we feel, especially if we have had one too many festive drinks. Generally, our alcohol intake increases over this time period so here are some mini tips to consider implementing:
-Ensure adequate water intake throughout the day.
-Sip on water between drinks – your morning self will thank you!
-Explore non-alcoholic beverages – the market is packed with new beers and mocktails. Try alternating them with your regular drinks. 
-Consider taking electrolytes after indulging in one too many drinks.

Side note – Don’t forget about liquid calories! Remember, they don’t just come from food.


2. Don’t skip breakfast/meals

While it may be tempting to skip a meal if you know you have a later social gathering – don’t! Reducing the amount of food you eat during the day to “save” your calories for later in the day is one of the biggest mistakes I see. 

This common strategy often backfires, leaving you famished and prone to overeating. Instead, opt for meals rich in protein and fiber throughout the day to prevent excessive cravings and overindulgence. 
3. Movement
Never underestimate the power of movement. Exercise not only boosts mood and aids stress management but can also alleviate the notorious Christmas bloat.
So why not turn some of your catch ups into a movement session. Organise to meet a friend for a walk and catch up while getting those steps in. 
4. Sleep Schedule 
While the busy Christmas calendar may disrupt your sleep, try to aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night. 
Attempt to maintain consistent sleeping and waking times (Easier said than done, I know).
Don’t forget that quality sleep not only combats tiredness and low energy but also influences mood and appetite levels.
5. Enjoy
And most importantly – relax, unwind, enjoy all the marvelous food, social encounters and have fun.
We at FITT Meals will be here, ready to welcome you back when you return.

Make life easier by signing up to our meal plan to help you nail your Nutrition. All our meals are carefully created to provide the perfect balance, ensuring you’re not just full but also energized for the day ahead.

About the Author

Ciara Nolan (RNutr)

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